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The infinite scalability of IoT for businesses

There are almost unlimited scalable solutions and enhancements that IoT can optimize your workplace with. If you can connect the internet to one element to another, the possibilites are endless, IoT will only become more and more valuable to the workplace as time goes on.

Below are just a few of the benefits that Remote Monioting tech / IoT can bring to the workplace:

• Improved productivity and efficiency of staff

• significantly limit chance of human error

• Better use of resources and assets

• Reduced reliability on human labour

• Cost-effective solutions

• Improved workplace safety

• Improved customer service and retention

• Create more business opportunities

• Modernise your workplace systems

Think IoT could be beneficial for you? We'll go through some of our core Remote monitoring services under this.

Legionella Management - more here

Our Legionella Remote Monitoring brings you the latest technology for precise temperature monitoring and data logging.

Our method for monitoring the temperature of water systems offers a high quality and hugely beneficial service for all of our clients.

This service significantly reduces the costs of maintenance, meaning records can be accessed from anywhere in the world, overall simplifying the process of monitoring of Legionella compliance.

Emergency Lighting (self test, self charging) - more here

With our emergency lighting remote monitoring service we have, and allow you, complete access, control and visibility of all your emergency lighting luminaires.

We make them fully accessible from any device, whether that be your desktop computer, laptop, smart phone, or even tablet, at any time, and anywhere in the world.

COVID19 prevention services - more here

For the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in many areas of the world, as the infection spreads through person-to-person contact. Transmission and prognosis, once infected, are potentially influenced by many factors, including indoor air pollution.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), clean air is a basic requirement of life. The quality of air inside offices, schools, public buildings, or other private dwellings where people spend a large part of their life is an essential determinant of healthy life and people’s well-being.

Air Quality - more here

We provide multiple services that allow us to remotely monitor as well as optimize the quality and cleanliness of the air within your workplace.

We monitor metrics regarding your air quality and consumption, in order to allow you to not only improve your buildings sustainability, but also help you to reduce your overheads significantly at the same time!

Get a FREE consultation now with Promptus Ltd, by visiting our homepage or contacting us via email at:

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